Noortje Buijs
- An Ode to the Empty Hours (2024)
- PARALUUME (2023)
©2024 Noortje Buijs
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We are obsessed with the clock. One time-saving product after another is released, but at the same time it feels like we have less and less time. In our busy society, where everything passes us by at a rapid pace, many people are "pressed for time", looking for relaxation. But that is paradoxical. We want more time, but because we are now so conditioned to constantly receive stimuli, we immediately look for them again when we have nothing to do.
Clock time is not necessarily bad. It is a frame of reference, a way to communicate, a way in which we as humans relate to this world. However, that clock time is an artificial thing. Why is it that we allow ourselves to be so carried away by this fabrication?
It's no news that we have extremely short attention spans these days. But what influence does this have on our inner experience of time?
PARALUUME is an interactive installation that attempts to raise awareness of our inner time, the counterpart of clock time.
Images by Jill Cooiman